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English-Hindi > magnetic shunt

magnetic shunt meaning in Hindi

magnetic shunt sentence in Hindi

चुंबकीय पार्श्वक
चुंबकीय शंट
चुम्बकीय शंट
magnetic    अचुंबकीय चुंबकीय
shunt    शंट विद्युत्
1.The standard traditional neon transformer, a magnetic shunt transformer, is a special non-linear type designed to keep the voltage across the tube raised to whatever level is necessary to produce the fixed current needed.

2.This design typically allows the welder to select the output current by variously moving a primary winding closer or farther from a secondary winding, moving a magnetic shunt in and out of the core of the transformer, using a series saturating reactor with a variable saturating technique in series with the secondary current output, or by simply permitting the welder to select the output voltage from a set of taps on the transformer's secondary winding.

How to say magnetic shunt in Hindi and what is the meaning of magnetic shunt in Hindi? magnetic shunt Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.